From left Garry Clay, Chic Silver, Margaret McGeorge, Beth Monroe, Peg Davis, Rusty Ryland, Hoppie Cockrell, Molly Bittner. On this beautiful day, we tremendously missed: Joe Coleman, Bruce Hemp, Bekinwari Idoniboye, Calvin Smith, and Kathy Tucker.
While the Climbers gathered for their annual Spring retreat at Camp Piankatank, the Board of Directors met on the other end of camp to discuss the business of Jacob’s Ladder.
Each meeting of the board this year is focused toward one goal: To make the transition of executive directors a smooth and coordinated exchange while simultaneously moving the program forward. Our board has always worked well together and this past meeting was no exception as they planned the future of Jacob’s Ladder while keeping true to the principles that have made the program a success.
Since its inception, the Jacob’s Ladder Board has been engaged and involved. Whether it be organizing a fundraising event, visiting and teaching campers during the summer, providing rides to enrichment gatherings, or mentoring Climbers throughout the year, a board member is not far away. The board provides a stable financial base and a strong principled compass for the program.
Just as Spring is a renewal for nature, so it is with members of the Jacob’s Ladder Board. For the April meeting, Wally Stettinius lead the board in discussions about strategies for funding, programs, and board governance. Encouraged by sage advice, members went away with their new assignments and projects to accomplish.