Jacob’s Ladder – as many of our loyal supporters know – strives to provide opportunities for gifted, underserved students during their formative years between fourth and eighth grade. What is not as well-known is that we try to keep up with our former Climbers after they graduate our program and even after they graduate high-school. The following is a list of schools, colleges, and universities where our Climbers have continued or are continuing their studies.
As of 2013-2015, Climbers have attended or are attending (numbers beside the name show that multiple Climbers have attended):
- Auburn University
- Brown University
- Bucknell University
- Cape Fear College
- Christopher Newport University (3)
- Dartmouth College
- Duke University
- East Carolina University (3)
- Florida Central State
- Foreman, AAA Landscaping
- Ferrum
- Florida Institute of Technology
- Georgetown University
- Guilford College
- Hampden-Sydney College
- Hampton University
- James Madison University (3)
- Liberty University
- Longwood University
- Mary Washington University
- North Carolina State
- North Carolina Wesleyan
- Old Dominion University (3)
- Randolph College
- Richard Bland College
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Rutgers University
- Smith College
- Stanford University
- University of Chicago
- University of Delaware
- University of Miami
- University of Maryland
- University of Richmond* (9)
- T. C. Williams Law School (1 graduate)
- University of Virginia (4)
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (4)
- UNC Pembroke
- University of Kentucky
- University of Pennsylvania
- Virginia Commonwealth University (3)
- Virginia Tech (9 and 1 Masters Degree)
- Virginia Military Institute (2)
- William & Mary (2)
- Yale (Graduate School)
In addition, there are Climbers who have served or are serving in:
U.S. Marines U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Air Force
It is through the generous gifts and support from individuals and foundations that we are able to offer the Climbers a safe and supportive environment during the Summer Enrichment Program. Thank you, and the next time you wonder “whatever happened to those kids at Jacob’s Ladder?” you can review the list above.
*Partnership between the University of Richmond and Jacob’s Ladder ensures scholarships for students meeting entrance requirements.