Why Climbers Come Back to JL

Climbers writingBrightness floods the Jacob’s Ladder office during this wintry time of year with letters from Climbers.  Each Climber is required to write a letter to the Board of Directors explaining the reason why they would like to return and what the program has meant to them. The Climbers are also to include in their letter ways they may have seen Jacob’s Ladder impact others and of any long term effects they foresee the program having on themselves or others. They are asked if they think the program is worth the time, effort, and money, and to explain their answer.

This set of questions leads to many wonderful answers. Enjoy a few quotes pulled from several years of letters.

I wish to return because I love the summer program more than anything. Jacob’s Ladder has given me a reason to keep up my good grades and try my best at everything I do, knowing that I am representing such an amazing program. JL has become a second family to me over the past five years I have been a part of the program.

Jacob’s Ladder has impacted not only me, but also everyone that comes into contact with this program. All around me there, I see kids mature into young adults more equipped to handle life. Then, after it is over, they go out into the world and share their gifts with others.

Jacob’s Ladder is where I can be myself, try new things, and know that I have people who love me and will always be there for me. Jacob’s Ladder also taught me that I can find a place I can fit into but know that I’m unique. This … is a place where different people come together, are understood and know that you can change the world.

As we – the staff and family of Jacob’s Ladder –  look ahead to a new year with a new Executive Director, we are continuously reassured that the things that make Jacob’s Ladder unique and special will continue. We are also confident that this program will continue to positively impact the lives of the Climbers and those whom they meet.

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